
Our History

Since 1990 the organisation has helped thousands of people, from children with depression to people who are terminally ill.

Our Vision

To see every child, young person and adult in Northern Ireland receive the level of music therapy service that meets their need.

Our Impact

Music Therapy helps people whose lives have been affected by injury, illness or disability by supporting their psychological, emotional, physical, communicative and social needs.

Our People

Our music therapists are highly trained professionals who are skilled, enthusiastic and excited about what they do

So what is music therapy?

When we think about it we all respond to music and are surrounded by it in our daily living. From birth, through adolescence and adulthood we use music to soothe, stimulate, connect with others and give 'voice' to our feelings sometimes without using any words. Everyone can participate in music making regardless of disability, ethnicity or age and this is what makes music therapy an effective intervention for people of all ages and abilities.
Everyone can participate in music therapy sessions; clients do not need to have any previous musical training or experience. In a typical music therapy session the music therapist and client create music together using voice, a range of accessible percussion instruments and IT equipment. They establish a relationship through which the individual can communicate thoughts and feelings in a way they have perhaps never previously been able to in a safe and supported environment. Through this they have a new experience of communicating and relating, and as a result may come to regard themselves in a different way. The therapist’s role is to facilitate this expression and communication.

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How music therapy helps

Music therapy sessions provide a space where vocal activity, instrumental play and spontaneous interaction are encouraged. For example, when working with a child with autism, the therapist can pick up on and incorporate into musical expression the sounds and even small gestures the child brings to the session – interpreting these sounds and movements as the child’s ‘music’.

The specific aims and objectives of music therapy are individual to each client group.
Please refer to our specialist services leaflets for more information.

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The goals and aims in music therapy are individual to each client and common goals in music therapy may include development in:

Communication skills

Using vocal/verbal sounds and gesture.

Social skills

Eye contact, turn-taking, initiating and self- esteem

Sensory skills

Through touch, listening and levels of awareness.

Physical skills

Fine and gross motor control and movement.

Cognitive skills

Concentration and attention, imitation and sequencing.

Emotional skills

Expression of feelings non-verbally.

Promoting Growth and Change through a shared musical experience

Every Day Harmony is passionate about, and committed to supporting, people who find communication and interaction difficult. This may be for a defined period in someone’s life or as the result of a lifelong condition. We believe that because music is a fundamental part of being human, it crosses all barriers. Year after year and person after person we see the evidence of that.

Anne Walsh - Chief Executive


We are privileged to have worked with amazing clients and here are just a few kind words. To see more click here.

At home, when he’s sitting and starts to clap, then I start clapping, he’s so pleased with himself-then we all start laughing! …This is all new!…You feel there’s a real connection between Alex and the family!
Wendy – Mother

Music therapy has become an important part of the week for a Service User with sensory issues, music has a calming effect and has resulted in her interacting with the music therapist through singing, turn taking and vocalisations .
Day Care Worker

I remember seeing a music session with a family after their child had passed away. It was so beautiful and emotional to see. It was amazing how in the middle of such sadness the therapist was able to support the family through music.
Horizon House staff member

Every Day Harmony Social Media

Take a look at what we are up to on Facebook and Twitter

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

Making a donation

Every donation is appreciated and will be used to help change the lives of children, young people and adults across Northern Ireland through music therapy.
Thank you!